Wednesday, July 11, 2007

All this just to say...

A couple of days ago, I wrote a paragraph, a nice long one, on the bridge burnings in east Tennessee and their connection to the formation of the first company of the 58th North Carolina Troops. This was for my book on the 58th NCT. Sometimes writers spend a lot of time setting up a scene - like the bridge burnings, just to say something might have happened. I discovered this when putting together my book on Watauga County. I spent over a page writing about the causes of the Spanish-American War and the recruiting process for local men, just to sum up the section by saying that these recruits never got into the war.
The same might be said for my research into Vance’s Legion. Off and on for the past month I’ve been researching this group - an organization that never really existed.
I’ve often wondered why the 29th, 39th, 58th, and 60th North Carolina regiments were sent to east Tennessee, and later the Army of Tennessee or other western commands. The 29th NCT was sent in direct response to the bridge burnings. Not sure about the 39th NCT and 60th NCT yet. The 58th NCT was sent to attempt to secure the area and help stem the tide of men leaving east Tennessee for Federal regiments in Kentucky.
This afternoon, I’m off the Virginia to speak to the Hanover Metal Detecting Club at the library in Ashland.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike, I have been following your blog for awhile now. I enjoy your research and dedication to our Old North State.

Regarding the 60th NC, I know that it organized at Madison, marched to Greenville, and then arrived by rail at Murfreesboro; retreated to Tullahoma in winter of 62-63; May 63 was attached to Stovall's Brigade in Mississippi; camped near Jackson till July 63; on July 1 advanced to assist at Vicksburg, however, it reached the outskirts by 5 July and was informed of Vicksburg fall; Sept. 1, 1863, advanced to near Rome, GA; suffered severe casualties at Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge; went into winter quarters near Dalton, GA, in winter 63-64; then fought in and around Atlanta; marched through GA, AL, and crossed the TN River, and then camped at Columbia on the Duck River; December 64 fought at Franklin and suffered severe losses; part of the 60th was detached to engage Union forces near Murfreesboro, and to destroy railroads in that area; it retreated from Murfreesboro and passed through AL and GA; it engaged Sherman's pickets near Branchville SC; retreated to Columbia, SC; then passed through Charlotte, Salisbury, Raleigh, Smithfield, and engaged at Bentonville in March 65; retreated through Raleigh on 12 April; arrived and surrendered at Greensboro with 75 soldiers. Adapted from Clark's NC Regiments.
Best Regards and keep up the great work!
Matthew Parker
PS: I hope it was okay to post this.