You've probably figured out that I like lists of
books. For several years, I've kept a list of North Carolina counties and their
published histories of the War. Well, below is a new list, a list of North
Carolina-born general officers of the Confederacy (with one exception). There
are several names not on this list, like James H. Lane or William Henry Chase
Whiting. They were associated with North Carolina, but came from other states.
There are also a couple who are buried in the Tar Heel state but who are not on
this list, like William R. Boggs. He came after the war. The only exception
that I have made is for Collett Leventhorpe. He was born in England, but when
he moved to North Carolina (prior to the war), he never really lived any other
place, and is buried in Caldwell County. I have also not included state-appointed
generals, like John W. McElroy. These men are only Confederate-appointed
Of the 46 men on this list, 26 have no material
published on them, save brief pieces in Warner's Generals in Gray, Powell's Dictionary
of North Carolina Biography, or Davis's The
Confederate General (6 volumes). Of the 18 who do have biographies, three
of those are just sketches, usually presented at a monument dedication or a
memorial service. For me, that leaves 16 who have bios. Of that number, six
have multiple biographies. Braxton Bragg has eight, William Dorsey Pender,
Leonidas Polk, and Stephen Dodson Ramseur have four each, and James Johnston
Pettigrew has three. Bryan Grimes had two, and the rest, one each.
As always, this is a work in progress. If I missed
someone, or some book, please let me know. At some point, I will probably update
this list to include theses and dissertations, and then
maybe articles.
Anderson, George Burgwyn, Brig. Gen. (1831-1862)
Private" Brigadier-General George
Burgwyn Anderson (19--?)
Armistead, Louis Addision,
Brig. Gen., (1817-1863)
Laurence Simmons, Brig. Gen. (1830-1907)
Barringer, Rufus, Brig. Gen. (1821-1895)
Fighting for General Lee (2016)
Barry, John D., Brig. Gen.
Bragg, Braxton, General (1817-1876)
Braxton Bragg: Military Strategist
Braxton Bragg and Confederate Defeat,
Vol. 2 (1991)
Braxton Bragg and the Southern
Confederacy (1925)
Braxton Bragg: the Most Hated Man of the
Confederacy (2016)
General Braxton Bragg (2011)
Braxton Bragg and Confederate Defeat Vol.
1 (1969)
Braxton Bragg, general of the Confederacy
Reminiscences of General Braxton Bragg
Branch, Lawrence O'B., Brig. Ben. (1820-1862)
Bullock, Robert, Brig. Gen.
Clingman, Thomas L., Brig. Gen. (1812-1897)
Thomas Lanier Clingman: Fire Eater from
the Carolina Mountains (1998)
Cox, William R., Brig. Gen. (1832-1919)
A Sketch of the Life and Service of
General William Ruffin Cox (1921)
Daniel Junius, Brig. Gen. (1828-1864)
Dockery, Thomas P., Brig. Gen. (1833-1898)
Forney, John H. Maj. Gen. (1829-1902)
The Life of Major General John H. Forney
Forney, William H., Brig. Gen. (1823-1894)
Garrott, Isham W., Brig.
Gen. (1816-1863)
Gatlin, Richard C., Brig. Gen. (1809-1896)
Richard C. Gatlin and the Confederate Defense
of Eastern North Carolina (2015)
Gilmer, Jeremy F., Maj.
Gen. (1818-1883)
Gordon, James B. Brig. Gen. (1822-1864)
Stuart's Tar Heels (1996)
Govan, Daniel C., Brig.
Gen. (1829-1911)
Grimes, Bryan, Maj. Gen. (1828-1880)
Lee's Last Major General: Bryan Grimes of
North Carolina
Cowper, Extracts of Letters of
Maj. Gen Bryan Grimes to his Wife (2014)
Hill, Daniel H., Lt. Gen. (1821-1889)
Lee's Maverick General: Daniel Harvey
Hill (1991)
Hoke, Robert F., Maj. Gen. (1837-1912)
General Robert F. Hoke: Lee's Modest
Warrior (1996)
Holmes, Theophilus H., Lt. Gen. (1804-1880)
Theophilus Hunter Holmes: A North
Carolina General in the Civil War (2013)
Johnston, George D. Brig. Gen. (1832-1910)
Johnston, Robert D., Brig. Gen. (1837-1919)
Kirkland, William W., Brig. Gen. (1833-1915)
Leventhorpe, Collett, Brig. Gen. (18815-1889)
and Cole, Collett Leventhorpe, the
English Confederate (2006)
Lewis, William G., Brig. Gen. (1835-1901)
MacRae, William, Brig. Gen.
Martin, James G., Brig. Gen. (1819-1878)
McNair, Evander, Brig. Gen.
Pender, William D., Maj. Gen. (1834-1863)
Hassler, One of Lee's Best Men: The Civil War
Letters of Gen. William D. Pender (1999)
----The General to His Lady: The Civil War
Letters of W. D. Pender to Fanny Pender (1965)
Longacre, General William Dorsey Pender: A Military
Biography (2001)
Confederate General William Dorsey
Pender: The Hope of Glory (2013)
Pettigrew, James J., Brig. Gen. (1828-1963)
The Long Lost Journal of Confederate
General James Johnston Pettigrew (2001)
Carolina Cavalier: Life and Mind of James
Johnston Pettigrew (1990)
The Most Promising Man of the South...
Polk, Leonidas, Lt. Gen. (1806-1864)
General Leonidas Polk, CSA (1992)
Leonidas Polk; Bishop and General 2
volumes (1915)
The Bishop of the Old South: (2006)
Confederate General Leonidas Polk:
Louisiana's Fighting Bishop (2013)
Polk, Lucius E., Brig. Gen. (1833-1892)
Rains, Gabriel J. Brig.
Gen. (1803-1881)
Ramseur, Stephen D., Maj. Gen. (1837-1864)
Address on the Life and Character of....
Ramseur (1891)
Stephen Dodson Ramseur: Lee's Gallant
General (1995)
The Bravest of the Brave: The
Correspondence of Stephen D. Ramseur (2014)
Sketches of Maj. Gen. Stephen Dodson
Ramseur (2015)
Ransom, Matt W., Brig. Gen. (1826-1904)
Matt W. Ransom, Confederate General from
North Carolina (1996)
Ransom, Robert, Jr., Maj. Gen. (1828-1892)
Richardson, Robert V., Brig. Gen. (1820-1870)
Roberts, William P., Brig. Gen. (1841-1910)
Scales, Alfred M., Brig. Gen. (1827-1892)
Address on Alfred Moore Scales (1907)
Toon, Thomas F., Brig. Gen. (1840-1902)
Ticker, William, Brig. Gen. (1827-1881)
Robert B., Brig. Gen. (1828-1899)
Wilcox, Cadmus M., Maj. Gen. (1824-1890)
From Blue to Gray (2001)