Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Expelled from the US Senate for Pro-Confederate Thought Crimes?

   When the subject of Northerners supporting the Confederacy comes up in conversation, everyone remembers Clement L. Vallandigham. An Ohio member of the U.S. House, Vallandigham opposed the Republican party and the prosecution of the war against the South. Vallandigham charged Lincoln with destroying the Constitution and civil liberties. Although not in the army, he was arrested by military authorities, tried and found guilty by a military commission, and sentenced to imprisonment. Lincoln commuted his sentence, and he was banished to the Confederacy. Yet there was another Northern politician before Vallandigham, one who faced expulsion: Jesse D. Bright. 

US Senator Jesse D. Bright

   Prior to 1861, only one US Senator had been expelled. That was Tennessee’s William Blount in 1797. Several senators were “expelled” in 1861 for supporting the Confederacy, although many of these had already resigned. Samuel Bright found himself in a similar position in early 1862.

   Bright was born in Norwich, New York, in 1812. He studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1831, setting up his practice in Madison, Indiana. In 1834, Bright was elected judge of the probate court of Jefferson County; United States Marshal for the district of Indiana; a member of the Indiana Senate, 1841-1843; and Lieutenant Governor of Indiana from 1843 to 1845 when he was elected a member of the United States Senate. One source stated that Bright was “a Buchanan adherent, unpopular with many Democrats.” Yet he was also the Democratic party boss of Indiana in the 1850s. His support of James Buchanan over Stephen Douglas led to his unpopularity within the state. In the US Senate, he was president pro tempore in 1854, 1856, and 1860, and was in conflict with Charles Sumner. While president pro tempore, he “saw to it that Sumner received no committee assignments.”[1]  

   In a series of letters to his friend William H. English, a Representative in the US House, Bright provided a glimpse into the thoughts of many in those turbulent weeks of late 1860 and early 1861. On December 20, 1860, he wrote that President Buchanan’s message “was a more conservative paper than was generally expected. . . The radicals are not at all pleased with its tone, while the more conservative practical minded men here [Washington, DC] think it means the cold shoulder to the Fire & Sword branch of the Republican party. . . There is some talk I understand of their expelling me on account of my known disloyalty. Let it come. I have got so that I believe nothing I read and am not surprised at anything that takes place.”[2]

   Bright saw three groups contending for power. The first were the “extreme wing of the Republicans, known generally as Abolitionists, and representing the sentiment of the New England States, are for a war of subjugation as they term it, and the total abolition of slavery, which they believe can be accomplished by the march of the Army. . . through or over the States that have declared themselves out of the Union.” The second group was known as the “Administration party” who were “a more conservative class, who oppose this extreme policy.”  The third group was “in favor of furnishing the Government with all the aid that is necessary to defend the capital of the United States against any and every enemy that may threaten to assail it, but who are not willing to vote either men or money to invade the states that have formally declared themselves out of the Union, until every effort to secure peace and an honorable adjustment has been exhausted. There are a great many who do not believe that all efforts have been exhausted; and I am free to admit that I am one of that number.”[3]

   In August 1861, a letter that Bright wrote to his former senate colleague, Jefferson Davis, had come to light. The letter was found in the possession of Thomas B. Lincoln, a pre-war client and citizen of Texas who was arrested in Cincinnati on the charge of treason. The letter in question was dated March 1, 1861, and was written from Washington, D.C.: “To his Excellency Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederate States: My Dear Sir:- Allow me to introduce to your acquaintance my friend, Thomas B. Lincoln, of Texas. He visits your capital mainly to dispose of what he regards a great improvement in fire arms. I commend him to your favorable consideration as a gentlemen of the first respectability, and as reliable in every respect. Very truly yours, Jesse D. Bright.”  The press went wild. “Hon. Jesse D. Bright Implicated” read one New York newspaper. “One Traitor Arrested and Another Discovered” read an Ohio newspaper. The paper in Evansville considered Bright “one of the meanest, most bigoted and ignorant of the old clique of Senatorial traitors-one of the most cringing lickspittle sycophants of Jeff. Davis, Slidell & Co., he is a ‘peace man’ at this time.” And then a few days later, wrote that Bright “Having long enjoyed the offices and emoluments of the gallant Hooiser State, now that she has nothing further to offer him, he may be safely set down as her enemy. We hope he will be arrested and tained [sic retained?] as a traitor.”[4]

   Given Bright’s position regarding the Lincoln administration and his past entanglements with Republican senators, his time in the senate was limited. On December 16, 1861, Sen. Morton Wilkinson introduced a resolution to expel Bright over the letter to Davis. The resolution was referred to the Judiciary Committee. On January 6, 1862, when the Senate was considering the eligibility of new members, Sumner remarked that the senate was “at this moment engaged in considering the loyalty of certain members.” While not directing his comments toward Bright, Bright answered Sumner: “The Senator from Massachusetts remarked that the Senate were now engaged in examining into the loyalty of certain members of this body. I suppose he alluded to me. I am in that category, and the examination is based on three lines that it is alleged I wrote in a letter to a friend of mine. . . [Before the beginning of the War.] The objectionable feature is that I addressed Jefferson Davis as president of the confederate states. In that I was but following the example of Senators upon this floor who, day after day, spoke and addressed him by that title at that time; yet no exception was taken to that.” Bright then complained that the committee was moving too slow in their investigation. “I have done nothing that I would not do over again under the same circumstance, and that I am not prepared to defend here as elsewhere,” Bright concluded.[5]

   On January 13, 1862, the Judiciary Committee reported that the facts charged against Senator Bright were not sufficient to warrant his expulsion from the Senate, and it was their recommendation that the Wilkinson Resolution should not pass. However, the Radicals would not be appeased, and Wilkerson continued to hammer away, denouncing any that “aided or abetted the South.”[6]  

   Bright’s trial in the senate began on January 20, 1862, continuing sporadically until February 5. Sumner compared Bright and others to Catiline, Aaron Burr, and Benedict Arnold. Andrew Johnson slammed Bright for being in league with John C. Breckinridge and other disloyal senators. Others somewhat sheepishly came to Bright’s defense. Senator Edgar Cowan believed that the question revolved around treason. “Technically, it was not treason. Mr. Bright was. . . simply being expelled because he held political doctrines which were not palatable to the majority of the Senate. . .”[7]

In his defense, Bright simply stated that “From the hour this war actually commenced I have had in view. . . one single object-the reunion of these States.” To Andrew Johnson, he begged: “Point me to the road that leads to peace, the restoration of the Union, making us one Government, with one flag, not a star effaced, and I will travel it with you as long as there is a gleam of light to guide me on such a path; and, forgetting and forgiving, I would even consent to take as a traveling companion, with all his heresies, the Senator from Massachusetts. . .”[8]

   After finishing his remarks, and given the Republican majority in the Senate, Bright gathered his belongings from his desk and walked out the senate chamber. A few moments later, the Senate voted, 32 to 14, to expel Jesse D. Bright. While other U.S. Senators have been censured, and expulsion proceedings undertaken, Jesse D. Bright was the last senator to be expelled from the U.S. Senate.[9]

   Returning to Indiana, Bright sought to be re-elected to the U.S. Senate. The Democratic state senate refused. Shortly thereafter, his property in Port Fulton, Indiana, was confiscated without compensation and became the Jefferson General Hospital, the third largest hospital in the North during the war. Bright moved to Covington, Kentucky, was a member of the Kentucky House of Representatives from 1867 to 1871, president of the Raymond City Coal Company, and in 1874, moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where he died in 1875.

   Was Bright sympathetic to the Confederates, or was he simply a moderate who fell victim to the radicals in Congress? The Daily State Sentinel, the organ of the Democratic Party in Indiana, believed the latter, writing that “A party [Republican] intoxicated with the possession of power, influence by political prejudices and animosity, has stricken down freedom of opinion and freedom of speech in the person of a Senator. It is of but little if any consequence. . . whether Mr. Bright occupies a seat in the Senate or retires to private life; but it is of vital importance. . . that this outrage upon the most valued prerogatives of a citizen. . . should be properly rebuked.”[10]  

[1] Gray, The Hidden Civil War: the Story of Copperheads, 70; “Some Letters of Jesse D. Bright to William H. English,” Indiana Magazine of History, (December 1934): 370; “Expulsion Case of Jesse D. Bright of Indiana,”

[2] “Some Letters of Jesse D. Bright to William H. English,” Indiana Magazine of History, (December 1934): 385.

[4] The Buffalo Commercial, August 20, 1861; Evansville Daily Journal, August 21, 1861, August 23, 1861; Belmont Chronicle, August 22, 1861.

[5] “Some Letters of Jesse D. Bright to William H. English,” Indiana Magazine of History, (December 1934): 389.

[6] Murphy, The Political Career of Jesse D. Bright, 140.

[7] Murphy, The Political Career of Jesse D. Bright, 141.

[8] Murphy, The Political Career of Jesse D. Bright, 144.

[9] “Expulsion Case of Jesse D. Bright of Indiana,”

[10] Daily State Journal, February 7, 1862.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent informative article!