Wednesday, October 06, 2010

New Blogs

Usually, I don’t post updates to my blog roll. I figured you would rather read more about the war than blog roll revisions. However, I’ve added a couple that I want to talk a little about.

The two I’ve added to my blog roll this morning both have to do with events dealing with the upcoming 150th anniversary of the war. The first, listed as Fredericksburg 150, is technically called “The Civil War 150th in Fredericksburg, Stafford, and Spotsylvania” and is a sister site to Mysteries and Conundrums, a great blog put together by the Rangers and Staff at Fredericksburg et. al., Parks. Fredericksburg 150 is a blog to help keep people informed as to the events that are going on in that area.

The second blog is North Carolina Civil War 150 and is being written by the folks at the State Archives in Raleigh. Once again, the purpose of the site is to inform readers of “Civil War Sesquicentennial Events at the North Carolina Archives.” I look forward to watching these two sites and to learning more about the events.

Blogging is not easy. No, I don’t ever lack material to blog about. I do sometimes lack time. For example, the posts I put up about each county usually take two to four hours to research and post. But it helps me. Of course, the information about the 58th North Carolina comes from my research into the regiment. As I explore other topics, I’m sure that they translate into posts. What surprises me is that there are not more Civil War blogs, especially on the state level. Where is a blog about Alabama and the War, or Virginia and the War? There are plenty of materials… Yes, I had ancestors from both states during the war, but keeping up with one blog is enough. Of course, if someone wanted to start such a blog that dealt with other states, I would love to help contribute. The same would be true with a blog dedicated to the ANV…. But alas, I am not a full time blogger.

Your thoughts?

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