Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Looking for NC's Civil War: Headquarters at Fort Fisher

Instead of me trying to retell the story, I'll just let the marker at Fort Fisher do that. This image was taken in July 2011.

Here stood the Headquarters of Fort Fisher. The construction of the fort began in the summer of 1862 under the direction of Colonel William Lamb Commandant, who with General W.H.C. Whiting and Major James Reilly served until the fort was captured on January 15, 1865. Each of the bombardments by the Federal fleet of December 24-25, 1864, and January 13-15, 1865, was heavier than any other naval demonstration in the history of the world. In the January attack were engaged 58 warships, which landed with attendant transports an army of about 10,000 men.

Fort Fisher protected, against Federal opposition, a large and important foreign trade in war supplies necessary to the existence of the Confederacy.

Near this point stood a flag staff of Fort Fisher which was shattered by a Federal shell on December 24, 1864. A new staff was erected and Private Christopher C. Bland, of the 36th N.C. Regiment, volunteered during the heavy bombardment to replace the flag. It was again shot down, and Bland once more climbed the staff and attached the colors.


  1. Kevin Ellis7:54 AM


    Private Bland shows up on the rolls of Reilly's 2nd NC Artillery.

    His valor could probably be attributed to the fact that he was "literally" defending his home.
    His family owned, and still owns, property in Wrightsville Beach.

